Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Christmas a Week Away!

We have enjoyed so many fun things this past week, I haven't had any time to post any pictures or write about them! Tonight we were able to get some fun teacher gifts made - we made these for the men teachers.

 We purchased a gift card for each teacher to Starbucks, printed these cute cards, added a coffee holder and twine, and finished! We wrapped them in matching gift bags that almost even look like they could be from Starbucks!

The instructions and printable card can be found here: Printable Thanks-a-Latte!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Countdown to Christmas Continues!

We have had lots of fun this past week with different activities celebrating the season. One of our favorite new traditions this year has been reading the Advent story "Jotham's Journey." This engaging story has everyone eager to read the next chapter each evening. I love the focus on the coming of Christ as our Messiah, Immanuel, God with us! It has certainly helped me keep my heart more focused on the Who of Christmas this year.

This week we are lighting two purple candles. The second one is the "Bethlehem candle" or "hope candle" reminding us of the hope we have because of the baby born in Bethlehem. Caleb blew out the candle after we read our story tonight! I think it was the first candle he has blown out by himself!

Other fun activities we have enjoyed this past week:

 I made a "Hot Cocoa Bar" in one corner of the kitchen, so we have enjoyed hot chocolate several times this week, complete with marshmallows, Andes mints, and candy canes!

 Of course, we have enjoyed relaxing with some Christmas specials such as "Frosty, the 'Noman'"!

 We celebrated Cliff's 41st birthday at Red Robin and then enjoyed the lighting of the Silver Lake Gazebo that evening!

Of course, cherry pie was a must!
It was even from the Upper Krust in Watertown, WI!

 The kids all bundled up for Christmas singing at the Gazebo lighting!

 Sunday afternoon, the kids worked on a Lego holiday challenge -- build a Christmas tree!

 Alyssa finished the task! Here's her cute, creative tree!

Andof course, we've enjoyed lots of Christmas snuggles!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Countdown Day 3: December 3

Today was green day in memory of our nephew, Jonathon, who passed away a year ago today. He loved the color green. We hung his ornament on the tree today, too, and have been using green wrapping paper for our gifts this year!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Countdown Day 2: December 2

Today was Sunday, so after lunch, we headed downstairs for today's Christmas activity. The kids decorated their little Christmas tree!

After church tonight, we started a new family tradition. We began to read a book called "Jotham's Journey." It is historical fiction, set around the time of Christ's birth. We will read a chapter each night leading up to Christmas Day. In conjunction with this, we have Advent candles this year to help remind us of the coming of Christ for us in the past, His future coming, and His presence with us in the present. There is a short family devotional at the end of each chapter, so I am hoping that this will be a sweet time of family worship that will help us keep our hearts more focused on Him this month!

(Jotham's Journey can be found here.)

Our Christmas Countdown has Begun! Day 1: December 1, 2012

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas around our house! We have started a daily countdown to Christmas with a different activity each day! The kids look forward to finding out what the activity for the day will be by pulling a tag out of our new Advent calendar.

I made the calendar out of corkboard, scrapbook paper, and Christmas stickers, then
used small white tags to write the different activities on.
December 1 - Day 1:
Today was Christmas sock day and family gingerbread house decorating day!

I wrapped a new pair of Christmas socks
(.50 - 1.00 socks!) in cute little gift bags.

 Everyone had a new pair of socks to wear all day!
I even wrapped a pair for my hubby! (Although I tried not to get him such cutesy ones!)

After dinner, we made gingerbread houses out of graham crackers! Everyone was involved and had lots of fun! Chad even said, "Mom, this is one of the best nights ever!"

I think Caleb ate more candy than actually helping!

 The finished products were all so creative and cute!
Instructions for making these can be found here.